Wednesday, July 11, 2018

So, wildlife, first we saw one buffalo, from a distance. Quite exciting actually. Then we took a hike, only a mile off the road, to see a prairie dog town just off a trail. Well, there were all sorts of them, maybe 50 or more.  Then Trish spotted the buffalo.  Just a hundred yards away was a herd! Quite exciting, just listening to them and watching them. Lots of loud snorting sounds and a few rolling in the dusty dirt. We watched for a few minutes, much to the displeasure of the prairie dogs whose village we were standing in, until one big buffalo started moving in our direction. Seeing a large male buffalo, over 2000 pounds, capable of 30 MPH running, moving toward you, inspires you to go back the other way, which we did.

Anyway, very fun day seeing all of that wildlife.

1 comment:

  1. We were stopped at a picnic area when we were out there and a couple prairie dogs came a begging.
